GYM Ledger – First in the World with an Integrated Hardware Wallet

The development of GYM Ledger technology that supports apps from GYM Rewards and will protect your crypto assets. This is the latest breakthrough in the latest technology to synchronize between GYM Reward app technology, GYM Ledger hardware/band and your body fitness. Not only can you see your fitness. GYM Ledger will be able to store your multi-cryptocurrency safely and is easy to use and also detects your heart rate and proof of exercise.

Cryptocurrency mining usually uses Hardware such as GPU and Antminer. But the latest innovation from GYM Ledger we can mine cryptocurrency using our body. By exercising, we will get our cryptocurrency for free and be sustainable. In accordance with our exercise activities. This app will be available on your mobile.

GYM Ledger has a product in the form of a bracelet that we can use every day. With a modern and elegant design, we can use it not only during fitness.

Very modern and elegant right? These bracelets are believed to make you better understand your health, and make you diligent in fitness and will get your own cryptocurrency by fitness. Healthy and also profitable isn’t it? Seeing technological advances like this certainly makes us excited to get them right? How to? We must follow the sale of the GYM Ledger token before the ICO GYM Ledger ends. This bracelet will connect to your smartphone using a Bluetooth connection.
GYM Ledger tokens.

GYM Ledger token will be sold to the public only as much as 20% of the total supply token. And the minimum achievement of their token sales is 4% of the total supply tokens. There is a total supply of 100,000,000 tokens. 20% of 100 M Tokens are 20 M Tokens. So don’t run out. The Token purchase period is,
Pre-sale: October 1 – October 15
Token Sale I: October 16 – October 31
Token Sale II: November 1 – December 31

Each period has a different price
Pre-sale: 1 LGR = 0.0014 ETH | 30% Discount (0.70 ETH Gets you a free GYM Ledger device)
Token Sale I: 1 LGR = 0.0015 ETH | 25% Discount (0.75 ETH Gets you a free GYM Ledger device)
Token Sale II: 1 LGR = 0.002 ETH | 0% Discount (1 ETH Gets you a free GYM Ledger device)

To better understand how it works all, let’s analyze all elements of the ecosystem separately:

  • Gym Rewards mobile application. Now it’s fully functional and available for use on Anroid OS and iOS. The application takes readings from the bracelet, calculates the level of physical activity and cost tokens.
  • Bracelet with wallet function. Wrist bracelet that tracks heart rate. It also functions as an iron wallet, like Trezor or Ledger.
  • Exercise Evidence Protocol (POE). Proof of training. This is an intelligent contract-based reward system that is activated when a mobile device with an application running based on GPS readings confirms that the device is in the gym.
  • Exchange to exchange tokens from GymBase Exchange. Designed to provide a convenient opportunity for users to sell tokens that are obtained quickly and easily during training.

Challenges the GYM LEDGER platform address

For the individuals who work out in the gym keeping in mind the end goal to revise their figure, in some cases, there is a sufficiently important measure of inspiration to do it frequently. Numerous individuals know or have heard that to accomplish the coveted outcomes, incredible endeavors are required on oneself, since the activities oblige the individual to watch the strict administration of visiting the gym, and also strict eating routine. The greater part of individuals is experiencing issues modifying to another administration, on the grounds that nobody has ever watched when to eat, the amount to rest, with the goal that the body could recoup and was prepared for the following activity.

Below are some additional challenges the system solves;

  • Inadequate information to maintain your weight
  • Not having enough physical activities to stay healthy and risk-free from cardiovascular diseases.

What makes the THE GYM LEDGER system unique

  • Gym Prizes portable application. Presently it is completely utilitarian and accessible for use on Android OS and iOS. The application expels the readings from the armlet, computes the level of physical movement and ascertains tokens.
  • Wristband with wallet work. Wrist arm ornament that tracks pulse. It additionally plays out the capacity of an iron handbag, as Trezor or Record.
  • Convention Confirmation of Activity (POE). Confirmation of activity. This is a reward framework in view of savvy gets that is initiated when a cell phone with a running application in light of GPS readings affirms that the gadget is in the gym.
  • Trade for the trading of tokens GymBase Trade. Made keeping in mind the end goal to furnish clients with an advantageous chance to rapidly and effortlessly offer earned tokens amid preparing.

Token info


Platform Ethereum
Type ERC20
PreICO price 1 LGR = 0.0014 ETH
Price in ICO 1 LGR = 0.002 ETH

October 1 – October 15 30%
October 16 – October 31 25%
November 1 – December 31 0%
Tokens for sale 20,000,000

Investment info

Accepting ETH
Distributed in ICO 20%

Soft cap 4,000,000 LGR
Hard cap 20,000,000 LGR


Q1 2018
Concept Generation;
Team Assemble.

Q2 2018
Proof of concept;
Strategic Plan;
White paper completion.

Q3 2018
Platform design and technical demonstration;
ICO Press Tour.

Q4 2018
Private financing & Seed funding raised;
Public financing & Seed funding raised.

Q1 2019
Hardware Alpha Test
Public financing & Seed funding raised.

Q2 2019
Hardware Beta Test
Private closed beta;
Open beta launched to public and improvement plan.

Q3 2019
Additional Cryptocurrencies
Additional Cryptocurrencies added to the Hardware Wallet;
Additional Tokens added to App mining.

Q4 2019
Community Benefits
Establishing global user base;
USA start retailer selection.

Q1 2020
Hardware things
Integration of third party controllers;
Marketplace cooperative module.

Q2 2020
More Operational
Integration with Private Chains, More Coin in Wallet;
New services offered by members or business.


0.pngIf you want to participate in ICO Gym Ledger, then the time is right because it’s still very early and the opportunity is great.For more information, please visit the following links:

ANN Thread:

AUTHOR: Erikay 
My Bitcointalk Profile Link: ; u = 1992165

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